Friday 12 July 2013

Can't Garden ! Won't Garden !

When the sun's shining, everyone loves to sit surrounded by greenery, (and perhaps a few flowers).  If you don't garden, I hope this will be inspirational...


               "Oh I kill everything,"
I hear you say.
                   Well, stop fussing with each plant !
                   More die from over-watering and over-feeding than ever die of neglect.


There seems to be a myth that its easier to grow plants in pots than in the soil. Many look attractive on the patio, but pots can dry out in a day or less of hot sun.  It can then be difficult to wet it successfully.  You can be left with a dry rootball which just dies.  Also, unless drained properly, pots can flood and plants can easily drown in a couple of rainy days.  Like humans, they need air.

Some readers are, at this moment,  looking out of their windows at lush window boxes, glorious planters and luxuriant terracotta pots.  
                 Well Done !!    Please read another article on this blog, I'm not talking to you.

For those less happy with their horticulture, don't give up.  There's no need for really hard graft, not unless you want it.  Start small.  Gardening's like selling.  You win some, you lose some.  Try and plant something you like in the ground. 
                    If it grows, it grows - wonderful !
If it dies, give it chance, it may sprout from below ground.  But try something else.  Not everything will like the ocnditions in your garden.  I have always lived in the same village, but each garden produced a different set of successful plants, (and some killed old favourites).  Vigorous plants often need splitting because they become too big for the spot they occupy.  Ask friends and neighbours if they have any they don't want.  (Better growing in your garden then filling their green bin for council recycling.)
blossom on banana musa in valleys garden


Hawthorn blossom
Planning  (obvious really)    Don't put plants that can grow very large near walkways.  It will only upset you having to cut them back or remove them later.   My husband enjoys that part.  He has a pruning pick especially for the purpose.

Enjoy your garden, don't make it a chore.


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