Monday 5 December 2011

"Blindfold" by Brian George


Brian George will be reading from 'Blindfold,' his volume of short stories, at Torfaen Open Mic, 7.30pm 8th April, at Panteg House, Griffithstown, Pontypool, NP4 5BE.   Open mic slots will be avialable for anyone wishing to read their own work or that of their favourite author.   Musicians and artists are also welcome.
Torfaen Open Mic is an event which is held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at the above venue.
Saturday, 3rd December I attended a book launch.  It was rather a special book launch as not many happen in our nook of the valley.   Brian chose Panteg House in Griffithstown, the same venue as Torfaen Open Mic (held 2nd Tuesday evening of each month).

Its Brian's second book of short stories, both have been published by Stonebridge Books.  (More of them later.)    Brian writes flash fiction, also known by other names, such as micro fiction, or short shorts.  People of a certain age will immediately remember the song "Who wear's sh...?)

Brian's vivid descriptions immediately take you into other people's lives, their problems, their angst.  Then, just as suddenly, you can be left wondering what?  when?  did?

One question asked during the evening, "Do you ever want to continue with a story, come back to it at a later date?"   This was obviously generated by the desire to know more, to continue in this other world, but, as at the end of an "East Enders" episode, you're left dangling, but unlike the soap, there's no more next week, no omnibus on the weekend.

A fantastic read !!

Aah, Stonebridge, the publishers.   I did say I would come back to them.    Stonebridge is run by Mike Byrne, in South Wales and Ireland, and his books are made to last.   They are all hand made and guaranteed a lifetime.   If, as Mike said in his speech, the words all fall to the floor when you open one of his books, then sweep them up and send them back and he will do his utmost to repair the damage.   Otherwise he will replace it.   He boasts his books have individuality and character, unlike the sterile sameness of the mass-produced article.

Torfaen Open Mic as I mentioned above, takes place on the second Tueseday of each month.   Everyone is welcome.   At 7.30pm upstairs in Panteg House, Griffithstown, Pontypool NP4 5BE.  There is an opportunity for anyone to perform their poetry or prose, or that of their favourite author.   The floor is also open to artists, photographers, musicians.     There may be an small entrance fee when we have a speaker, but there are still open mic slots, and entrance is free.   

You can follow Torfaen Open Mic on Facebook, or come along on 13 December and enjoy a few Christmas nibbles.   January will be our third anniversary.    Great venue,  great entertainment...

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